Don Casey's Complete Illustrated Sailboat Maintenance Manual
Whether you employ a surveyor or not, you should know some of the things to look for if you have decided to buy a used boat. A keen eye, a good ear and a checklist will lead you to potential problems. Some of the things to look for are:
- 有差異的油漆,這可能表示該船有意外事故且維修過。
並非不好的船但必須要問清楚。 - 龍骨由船頭看往船尾是否直線,水平是否直線?
- 船艙內或引擎室內會看到任何的淹過水的痕跡嗎?
有生锈的痕跡或引擎較底層有锈得很利害嗎,這表示船艙進過海水了。 - 在船艙內轉動螺旋槳軸是不順暢,會搖晃不穩定嗎?螺旋槳有刮痕或裂痕嗎
- 握住螺旋槳上下左右移動,不應該有太大間隙若有表示其培林己磨損。
- 用一小支橡皮榔頭沿著船體輕輕敲打若有怪聲表示玻璃維有維修過的 氣泡。
- 在甲板上行走在船頭不應有踩下去有軟軟的地方。
- 船艙內踩下去會有軟軟的地方嗎?
- 方向盤容易轉動嗎?
- 室內裝潢有變型嗎?
- 檢查各艙門及密閉窗在內部可以看到水痕嗎?如果是如此你必須要重新更換橡膠墊防止雨水或海水。
- 如果在艙內有任何霉味,表示有地方漏水了。
- 確認所有的設備都是合法的。
- 欄杆扶手的固定螺絲都是由公螺栓母螺絲帽組合成,不可用尖螺絲釘鎖在表面。牢固嗎?
- 查看船尾板上的船身識別碼,有變造過嗎,名稱與記載證書相符合嗎?
- 當你發動引擎,有良的水流嗎。
- 檢查引擎皮帶和軟管是否有裂縫或磨損。即使在引擎的最下方的軟管,一段時間橡膠便惡化了。
- 檢查引擎機油不能僅僅用布擦拭必須要用手指去觸摸是否有粗糙金屬粉粒,機油的顏色聞起來是什麼味道,有焦味嗎,也許你想送一些樣本到實驗室進行測試。
- 用同樣方法檢查燃油。
- 檢查(渦輪等的)葉輪; 葉輪片換一個新的
- Check the strainer(s) for debris and clean if necessary.
- Test the seacocks to make sure they open and close.
- Does the transmission shift easily or does it "clunk?"
- See if you can get the maintenance records and review how the boat has been maintained in the past. Also look for reccurring problems.
- See if you can find the previous owner(s) and ask about the boat.
- Check both the BUC and NADA books to determine value range for this model and year. You can get these books at any boat dealer or a bank that does boat loans.
- If you are looking at an inboard/outboard make sure the tilt motor works properly.
- If you are looking at an outboard look under the cover for excessive corrosion.
Monthly Payments X 12
Registration Fees
Trailer Registration
Dock Fees
Fuel and Oil
Winter Storage (if needed)